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Alternate Reality Studios Releases Dragon Orbs

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About Alternate Reality Studios
Alternate Reality Studios is a new game development company. It was started in December of 2005 with the creation of tools used to make games. Recently, AR Studios has taken the next big step by taking the great game ideas and creating them into a professional looking product.

Our goal at Alternate Reality Studios is to create a fun, visually appealing, and excellent quality product that our customers will not want to stop playing. Being avid gamers ourselves, we understand what it takes to create a game that you can get quickly immersed in. We take pride in everything we create and hope that you enjoy playing as much as we enjoy creating our games.

At Alternate Reality Studios, we have a passion for creating games. We want to create something that is exciting and fun for everyone. If you have any suggestions on how we can make our products more enjoyable for you, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you and what you think about our products! You may not get a response back as we are constantly busy, however, we will read through your suggestions and take them into consideration.

You can contact us at with any comments/questions.

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